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WALTER Reference
  • WALTER (Window Arrangement Logic Template Engine for REAPER)
  • Commands
  • Layouts
  • Expressions
  • Scalar Values
  • Edge Attachment Coordinates
  • UI Elements

    top  WALTER (Window Arrangement Logic Template Engine for REAPER)

    WALTER is a system to define the visual layout and appearance of objects within REAPER -- currently, it can be used to customize the layout and appearance of the REAPER track panels, mixer panels, envelope panels, transport, and so on.

    WALTER commands are defined in two places:
    1. In a theme's rtconfig.txt, specifying layout information specific to the theme (for more information on this, see XXX)
    2. In REAPER's Plugins/default_rules.txt, which is used when a theme does not define any WALTER in its rtconfig.txt (such as classic 3.x and 2.x themes)

    top  Commands

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